This report witnessed a small decrease in attendance of 918, attributed to unusually fine weather in March, and competition from the Liverpool Education Committee, which provided evening continuation classes. Despite the smoking ban of 1905, there was still ‘great demand’ for the Seniors’ Room in particular, and it was anticipated an additional room might be needed to accommodate them.
An indebtedness to the String Band, and their exceptionally high standard of entertainment, was clearly felt. Overall entertainment attendances remained high, but the Committee felt pressed to offer the Institute’s audiences a wider variety to avoid complacency.
The Florence football team were crowned Champions of their league, after netting an impressive 109 goals, which was the highest recorded that season. In recognition of their achievement the boys appeared in the ‘Realm’ newspaper. Unfortunately, Florence Albion could only manage 6th place in the league. It was a successful year for swimming, owing to an experiment of offering the boys the opportunity to make weekly payments to the Savings Bank for their tickets.
The debating class languished, and was replaced by lectures, reading and the occasional debate in the Reading Room.
Registered Office: The Florence Institute Trust Ltd, 377 Mill Street, Liverpool L8 4RF. Charity Registration No: 1109301. Company Registration No: 05330850 (registered in England and Wales).