1936 The Forty-Seventh Annual Report of 1936-7 was somewhat brief, and recorded the Club in a state of transition, with Mr F. Newton retiring from the position of Warden and Mr. Glyn T. Amos, from the City Boys’ Club, Wakefield, appointed in his place. The usual comprehensive report was not needed, but the Committee assured […]
1935 The 1935-6 report regretfully announced the death of former President Sir Frederick C. Bowring. The Committee provided a detailed portrait of the Institute member, and the role the Institute intended to play in his social development: ‘The adolescent boy is by nature an idealist. He is laying aside the solitary pursuits of pre-adolescent childhood […]
1934 This year’s report began with a foreword which considered the role of the Institute in the year 1935 : ‘ Since the foundation of the Florence Institute by Bernard Hall, in 1889, many changes have taken place in social surroundings, and the general outlook on the question of Social Service has developed accordingly. The […]
1933 This year’s report details the ‘experimental’ daytime use of the building for a new Juvenile Instruction Centre: ‘Being anxious to do their utmost towards the solution of the grave problems arising out of the lack of employment for boys of 14 to 18, the committee offered to the Education Committee, without charge for rent… […]
1932 Despite economic hardships, the general tone of the club remained positive‘ The boys have responded well to what has been done for them , and an atmosphere of cheery loyalty and good fellowship prevails, which is the best possible antidote for the surly discontent which might well be provoked by the difficulties which at […]
1931 This year saw the Institute win the Rotary Shield for 8th year running. During winter the Institute further developed the ‘educational experiments’ begun in the previous year. Weekly classes in Art, Singing, First-Aid, Physical Training and Gymnastics were held, a French class was started, and a small dramatic society formed, which at the end […]
1930 This year saw the work of the Club take on a more ‘educational character’ as the Education Committee provided three regular instructors. The list of activities showed the diversity offered to members: Athletic Sports, Arts and Crafts, Badminton, Basketball, Billiards, Boxing, Camps, Chess, Cricket, Dental Clinic, Discussion Group, Dramatics, Draughts, First Aid, Football, Gymnastics […]
1929 1928/9 saw a range of new activities included in the programme: Basketball Badminton Club Boot and Shoe Repairing Class Drawing Class Singing Class Dramatic Club Junior Study Circle Senior Study Circle The Florence Institute was a real haven for the boys of the district, many of whom now attended five to six times per […]
1927 This year, Mr. F.T. Molyneux become the new Warden, replacing Mr A. Townshend. It was remarked of the membership that ‘the most striking feature was the growing zest for outdoor camp life’ and as a result, regular weekend camping in Heswall, and trips to Lake Windermere, became a feature of the Institute. These trips […]
1926 The general tone and behaviour of the boys during activities and club meetings was consistently good, with ‘evidence of a growing sense of helpfulness and responsibility among the older members’ that was owed to a large measure of inspiration and effort from the Warden and his team. The Warden arranged ‘parties for the boys’ which consisted of […]