1918 In the immediate aftermath of WW1, the Institute’s fortunes had not yet recovered from the impact of war. ‘The past year has been, if anything, more trying and critical than the year before.’ The continued lack of voluntary workers caused much distress and a huge question mark hung over the future of Institute, ‘Indeed, […]
1917 Unsurprisingly, the tone of this year’s report is solemnly reflective, as it concludes ‘The past year has, perhaps, been the most difficult in the history of the Institute.’ Events outside its control have had a huge impact on the Institute, although its services remain in great need: ‘Naturally, owing to the war, there has […]
1916 Although this year attendance continued to be good, many of the Institute’s activities are discontinued to the inevitable lack of volunteers in wartime. The fortunes of Florrie football turned, with disappointing results due to boys being matched against youths ‘twice their size’, and it was proposed that teams of Harriers would replace football. The […]
1915 The Institute reported a successful year, with the senior football team ‘Dingle’ winning the Championship, and the boxing class showing ‘extraordinary zeal’. The social room games of ping-pong, bagatelle, draughts, ‘Happy Family’ and Quoits proved as popular as ever, and the conduct of members was, as ever, a particular point of pride. This seemed […]
1914 The outbreak of the First World War did not appear to have a significant effect on the membership of the Institute, although the Committee reflected ‘In one way we have been hard hit, and that is in the loss, for a time at any rate, of a very large number of those who have […]
1913 This year the Institute focussed on formalising their efforts to help members obtain employment, becoming closely in touch with the Head of the Juvenile Employment Exchange on Fraser St. A Telegraphy class was launched during the winter months, taught by volunteer Mr A.R. Ward of the GPO, ‘As a considerable number of our members […]
1912 Thankfully, attendance was again well maintained this year, with most members present on a regular basis, with the index card scheme now yielded detailed statistical information about attendance. ‘In the past we have often felt how little we have been able to do for the merely casual member, who soon drifts away before any […]
1911 Attendance at the Institute was well maintained this year, and the Committee hoped that the new card registration system would soon provide proper statistics regarding members’ attendance. This was a relief for the Institute in light of more amusements in the neighbourhood, particularly animated pictures, which were real competition for the attentions of members. […]
1910 The Florence Institute was open 154 times this year, with an average monthly membership of 341. This year saw the introduction of the index card method of registration, and the purchase of a much sought-after billiard table. In addition, the Lending Library was now open two nights a week. Modelled on the public library, […]
1908 The Twentieth Annual Report lamented a decline in members due to effective competition from other Institutes, local churches and evening education classes, which most members attended three times a week. Despite this, they still paid the full price of their subscription to The Florence, which would eventually take its toll on their resources. Furthermore, […]